Vali: The Avenger of the Aesir in Norse Mythology

In the vast tapestry of Norse mythology, Vali stands out as a figure of vengeance and retribution. Born with a …

In the vast tapestry of Norse mythology, Vali stands out as a figure of vengeance and retribution. Born with a singular purpose, his story is both intriguing and emblematic of the intricate web of relationships and events that shape the Norse pantheon.

Vali Key Facts

ParentsOdin and Rindr
PartnersNone known
SiblingsThor, Balder, Hodr, and others
OffspringNone known
Old Norse nameVáli
Other namesNone known
The God ofVengeance
Ass. AnimalNone known

Name and Etymology

The name “Vali” in Old Norse, “Váli,” carries significant weight in the context of Norse mythology. Rooted in the Old Norse verb “vala,” it hints at the act of choosing or selecting, which is fitting given Vali’s destined role in the pantheon. Additionally, certain kennings and poetic references allude to him as the “avenger” or the “chosen one of Odin.”

In the ancient text “Skaldskaparmal,” Vali’s kennings provide a deeper understanding of his identity and role within the Norse pantheon. He is referred to as the “Son of Odin and Rindr,” highlighting his divine lineage. As the “Stepson of Frigg,” he is intricately connected to the core Aesir family. Both his titles “Baldr’s Avenger” and “Foe and Slayer of Hödr” emphasize his primary purpose and the act that defines his existence. The kenning “Dweller in the Homesteads of the Fathers” evokes a sense of his eternal place among the gods and the ancestral realms.

Ancient roots

While Vali’s prominence is primarily within Norse mythology, traces of similar figures can be found in older Germanic myths. However, direct parallels with Roman or Gothic deities are scarce, suggesting that Vali’s narrative is somewhat unique to the Norse tradition.

Vali Origins and Family

Vali’s story is deeply intertwined with the intricate tapestry of relationships and events that shape the Norse pantheon. Born with a singular purpose, his existence is a testament to the lengths the gods would go to uphold their honor and balance the scales of justice.

The ancient texts, while rich in detail about many gods, offer a more focused narrative when it comes to Vali. He is the offspring of a union between Odin, the Allfather, and Rindr, a jötun or giantess. This union was not one of love or desire but of necessity. Odin sought to father a son who would avenge the death of Balder, his beloved son. After he had been tragically killed by his own brother, Hodr, sadly tricked by the god, Loki. Vali’s birth and rapid maturation into adulthood were driven by this singular mission, setting him apart from many other gods in the pantheon.


The engraving shows two men with shields and weapons. Vidar & vali
Axel Kulle (1846-1908) and Gunnar Forssell (1859-1903) as described above. Photograph by Haukurth., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Vali, the avenger of the Aesir, shares his lineage with several prominent figures in Norse mythology. Among his notable siblings is Thor, the god of thunder, born from Odin’s union with the jötun Fjörgyn. Balder, the god of light and purity, and Hodr, the blind god responsible for Balder’s death, are both offspring of Odin and Frigg. Another sibling, Vidar, known as the “Silent God,” is the result of Odin’s union with the giantess Grídr. Bragi, is another half-brother, son of Odin and either the giantess Gunnlod or Frigg. Finally, he is also half-brother to Heimdall, Meili, Hermod and Tyr.

These diverse relationships underscore the complex and often overlapping ties between the Aesir gods and the jötnar, highlighting the multifaceted origins and roles of the gods in Norse tales. 

While Vali had no known partners or offspring, his relationships with his siblings, particularly Balder and Hodr, are central to his narrative. His very existence, born out of the need for vengeance, paints a poignant picture of the intricate balance of power, relationships, and fate within the Norse mythological framework.

Vali Roles And Responsibilities

In the grand assembly of Norse gods, Vali’s role stands out as both unique and poignant. While many deities in the pantheon have multifaceted responsibilities, governing various aspects of life, nature, and war, Vali’s purpose is singular and deeply personal: he is the embodiment of divine retribution.

Váli, holding a bow, travelling through a forest.
Carl Emil Doepler (1824-1905), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Born in the aftermath of a tragic event, Vali’s existence is intrinsically linked to the fate of his half-brothers, Balder and Hodr. Balder, known for his radiant beauty and purity, was beloved by all. His untimely death, orchestrated by the malevolent trickster Loki, was a devastating blow to the Aesir gods. The instrument of Balder’s demise was none other than his own blind brother, Hodr, who was manipulated into committing fratricide.

Vali’s birth was a direct response to this tragedy. He was conceived and brought into existence with a singular mission: to avenge Balder’s death. It’s worth noting that Balder’s death occurred before Vali’s birth, emphasizing the urgency and divine intent behind his creation. In his quest for retribution, Vali both exacted revenge on Hodr and took the life of Loki’s son, Narfi. Furthermore emphasizing the depth of his vengeance. 

These acts, while serving justice, highlight the intricate web of relationships and the delicate balance of honor and retribution within the Norse pantheon. Through Vali’s actions, the gods sent a clear message about the consequences of treachery and the lengths they would go to uphold their honor and rectify wrongs.

This act of vengeance, while serving justice, also underscores the complexities of fate, relationships, and honor within the Norse pantheon. Vali’s actions served as a stark reminder of the consequences of treachery and the lengths the gods would go to uphold their honor and rectify wrongs.

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Depiction And Characteristics

Vali’s actions speak volumes about his character. Determined, relentless, and driven by a sense of duty, he embodies the concept of divine retribution. While not as multifaceted as Odin or as beloved as Balder, Vali’s unwavering commitment to his purpose paints him as a figure of respect and, to some extent, pity. After all, his entire existence was defined by a singular act of vengeance.

Vali Symbols, Artifacts or Animals

Unlike Thor with his hammer Mjölnir or Odin with his ravens, Vali isn’t typically associated with specific artifacts or animals. However, his very being is symbolic of retribution and justice. In a broader sense, he represents the lengths the gods would go to uphold their honor and the intricate balance of power and relationships within the Norse pantheon.

Myths about Vali

Vali’s narrative in Norse mythology is deeply rooted in the larger tapestry of events and relationships that shape the Aesir gods’ stories. His tale intertwines with the stories of both Balder and Hodr as well as Loki,. Highlighting the often complex web of relationships and events that define the Norse pantheon.

Vali Avenging the Death of Balder

The tragic death of Balder, the beloved god of light and purity, sent shockwaves through the Aesir tribe. Loki’s malevolent machinations led to Balder’s own blind brother, Hodr, unwittingly causing his death. This treachery demanded retribution, and Vali was the chosen instrument of this divine vengeance.

Odin, in his quest for justice, sought to conceive a son who would avenge Balder’s death. He turned to Rindr, a jötun (or giantess), and from their union, Vali was born. Remarkably, Vali’s growth was supernaturally accelerated; he matured into a full-grown man in just a single day, emphasizing the urgency of his purpose.

With his destiny clear, Vali wasted no time. He first confronted Hodr, exacting revenge for Balder’s death. But Vali’s vengeance did not stop there. In a dramatic turn of events, Odin transformed Vali into a wolf, amplifying his ferocity. In this fearsome form, Vali tore apart Narfi, Loki’s son. After this act, Vali’s transformation gave rise to the Ulfhednar warriors. They are a specific type of the broader Berserkers, warriors known for both their wolf-like ferocity and strength in battle. This act both avenged Balder and served as a stark reminder of the lengths the gods would go for revenge. Furthermore, it left an enduring legacy in the form of the Ulfhednar warriors.

Surviving Ragnarok

Ragnarok, the prophesied end of the world in Norse mythology, was a cataclysmic event that saw the demise of many gods and the reshaping of the cosmos. Amidst the chaos and destruction, only a handful of gods were destined to survive and usher in a new era.

Vali, with his inherent resilience and purpose, was among this select few. Alongside him, his brother Vidar, known for his strength and silence, also endured the apocalypse. In a twist of fate, both Balder and Hodr were resurrected after Ragnarok. The four of them, united once again, stood as symbols of hope, renewal, and the enduring nature of the gods. Their survival marked the beginning of a new chapter. There past grievances were set aside, and a reborn world awaited their guidance.

Mentions In Ancient Texts

Vali’s narrative in Norse mythology is a captivating blend of vengeance, transformation, and destiny. His tales, offer a glimpse into the intricate web of relationships and events that define the Norse pantheon.

Poetic Edda

Baldrs draumar

The Váli myth finds mention in “Baldrs draumar,” where the prophecy of his birth and purpose is foretold:

“Rindr will bear Váli in western halls; that son of Óðinn will kill when one night old – he will not wash hand, nor comb head, before he bears to the pyre Baldr’s adversary.” — translation by Ursula Dronke


In “Völuspá,” the tale continues, emphasizing Vali’s swift action in avenging Balder’s death:

“There formed from that stem, which was slender-seeming, a shaft of anguish, perilous: Hǫðr started shooting. A brother of Baldr was born quickly: he started – Óðinn’s son – slaying, at one night old.”

Prose Edda

Gylfaginning (Loki’s Punishment)

The “Prose Edda” provides a more detailed account of Vali’s role in avenging Balder. In “Gylfaginning,” Vali’s transformation and the subsequent punishment of Loki is described:

“Now Loki was taken truceless, and was brought with them into a certain cave. Thereupon they took three flat stones, and set them on edge and drilled a hole in each stone. Then were taken Loki’s sons, Váli and Nari (or Narfi); the Æsir changed Váli into the form of a wolf, and he tore asunder Narfi his brother. And the Æsir took his entrails and bound Loki with them over the three stones: One stands under his shoulders, the second under his loins, the third under his houghs; and those bonds were turned to iron.” — translation by Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur

Gylfaginning (Vali’s Attributes)

The “Prose Edda” further elaborates on Vali’s attributes in another section of “Gylfaginning”:

“One is called Ali or Váli, son of Odin and Rindr: He is daring in fights, and a most fortunate marksman.”

The same text also highlights Vali’s fate post-Ragnarök, emphasizing his survival alongside other notable gods:

“The same text also states that he will survive Ragnarök. He will survive along with his brother Víðarr as well as the sons of Thor, Móði and Magni.”

Vali’s tales, spanning both the “Poetic Edda” and the “Prose Edda,” paint a vivid picture of a god born for a singular purpose, fulfilling it with unwavering determination, and eventually standing as a beacon of hope in a post-apocalyptic world.

Frequently Asked Questions

What was Vali’s primary purpose?

Vali was born to avenge the death of his half-brother, Balder.

Who were his parents?

Vali is the son of Odin and the giantess Rindr.

Did he have any known partners or children?

No, Vali had no known partners or offspring.

How is he related to Balder and Hodr?

Balder is Vali’s half-brother, and Hodr is the one Vali avenged Balder’s death upon.

What role did he play in Ragnarok?

Vali participated in the final battle of Ragnarok alongside the other gods.

Featured Image Credit: Árpád Feszty, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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Norse mythology enthusiast, Norwegian and living in Oslo next to a series of old Viking age burial mounds.I am also able to navigate and understand quite a lot of the old Norse texts and I often lean on original texts when researching an article. Through this blog I hope more people, young and old will get to know Norse mythology and the world of the Vikings a bit better.

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